The 13th International Symposium on Bilingualism  will be held from 9 to 14 July 2021. We are offering 5 days of engaging academic content. We have planned 5 plenaries (one per day), 4 keynote speeches delivered by early career scholars, 25 thematic sessions, 25+ open sessions including almost 450 papers and posters. 

The conference format will be a combination of asynchronous and synchronous modes. The conference papers and posters will be pre-recorded and all presenters will be requested to send their recorded presentations by 15 June 2021. This will help us alleviate the challenges related to time differences between the continents as well as prevent technical issues during the Symposium. The papers will be uploaded to the conference website and placed in their relevant thematic and open sections. 

A week before the event, all participants will be provided with a link to access the conference materials. They will be able to view the presentation in their own time and leave comments to the presenters.

During the conference each thematic and open section will be allocated time in the programme for live moderated Q&A and discussion in virtual rooms. The plenaries and keynote addresses will be live-streamed and followed by on-line live, moderated Q&A, according to the posted conference schedule. In addition, several publishing houses will advertise their offer in special virtual rooms not coinciding with presentation sessions. Live session times will be listed according to Central European Time (CET).

There will be no one designated poster session. Instead, posters will be matched and added to the corresponding open and thematic sections. Each poster will have the format of a video file including the maximum of 7 slides. The maximum time allotted for a poster presentation will be 7 minutes.  Poster presenters will be asked to pre-record their presentations and send them by June 15th. The presentations will be uploaded to the  website and available to the registered attendees two weeks prior to the conference. 

The recorded content will be available to registered attendees a week before the Symposium begins, during the event and until 31st December 2021. Live-streamed plenaries and keynote addresses will be available shortly after they have been presented. Thus, registered participants will have access to the recordings to view at any time convenient for them, also after the conference.